August 28, 2024

Opening up and getting help

Opening up to help is a hard thing to do. It takes courage and commitment. We need to foster a world where accepting that mental health is as important as physical health.

August 28, 2024

The Power of Self-Care

In a world where we have to many hats to wear, we must take the time to also pick the ones we want to wear. This means taking care of yourself and enjoying the things that bring happiness and joy into our lives.

August 28, 2024

Today is okay

Mental health has always been seen as taboo or something to be feared and ashamed of. Today we live in an age where metal health is the focus for a lot of people. We no longer need to worry about being criticized for mental health, but can get help because there are people and organizations wanting to help.

July 1, 2024

The Social Media Facade

In a world where the new way of catching up is through a endless feed, we must remember that we have our own lives to live without comparing ourselves to someone else's life.

June 26, 2024

Memorial Day Reflections: Navigating Survivor's Guilt

A day of remembrance that aims to celebrate life also brings upon the guilt of staying behind

August 28, 2024

Mindful Moments

In a world that is constantly pulling us in a million different directions, mindfulness offers us a sanctuary—a refuge where we can come home to ourselves, again and again. So, let us take a deep breath, anchor ourselves in the here and now, and embrace the fullness of life unfolding moment by moment.